Sunday, April 3, 2011

My part in the meeting as a member ..!!

I was a member of our meeting group and my job was to discuss and give points. With the help of my meeting team we have done good job.

In the begining, I felt nervous, because it was first meeting I had done it. Our group was successful because we had following our technique and the audiences were able to listen and make a good eye contact as view sides in class. My evaluate was interesting as member of the meeting because I have discussed most  of theproblem points and I was able to cover my spot as well, it was hard so I have to make a solution. Our group was very helpful and I have received a good feedback from them, as if it was about the meeting or about me. The team leader was very helpful he did discuses every point and assesses us all. All the members were adding points to make the meeting as good as possible and the note taker write all the points.

In general, i think I have done my part and cover my spot as a discussion member with good evaluating. I hope that I could benefit  this problem by my feedback.

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