Monday, June 6, 2011

Final presentation (Artic Melting):

Hamdan : Final presentation..

Our group consisted of myself, Khalid Hassan, Mohammed Humid and Fahad. We gave a presentation about Arctic Melting in class T005 at 3:10 pm. Khalid started the presentation by introducing us and describing the problem generally as an introduction. After him was my turn, then Fahad and at the end, Mohammed.

Mohammed’s part was the conclusion. He was supposed to repeat the main points and gave solutions to each problem. Also he had to answer questions. Mohammed showed that he had improved from the last presentation and he corrected some of his mistakes. From the beginning, he was confidant and used your hands very well. Mohammed’s problem was that he didn’t have enough information, for that he end the conclusion with too much ammmmm’s and aaaaaaah’s.!!! The good point was that Mohammed knew about that and he was unhappy for that, but wished to improve.

In conclusion, the important things that we improved from last time by correct our mistakes. In my opinion, Mohammed should practice more and more to fix his mistakes and to become as excellent presenter in future.

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