Monday, June 6, 2011


Hamdan ; Reaction :

At the end of this semester I suppose to give my reaction about this subject LSEC 101. It was one of the most important subjects, because it gives me skills to write a report and do a presentation and this I needed in all other subject. Mr. John Vrhovnik, help me a lot to improve my skills and he make the classes interesting.

I am was happy to study with teacher John and improve my communication English skills and one of most important skills I learnt from them is that how to prepare and organize a meeting. Six months ago, I have no idea about preparing meeting, when I had a meeting I was coming without any paper, but now I learned that the good meeting should have agenda and planning. Another important thing that outcome, at the end of the meeting we should have a solutions or benefits or whatever it called outcomes. I also had learned how to present, the presentation have many skills we should knew it, like attitude, body language, voice, eyes contact, hands motion and your English. This all help you to do a good presentation in the future. And hopefully use these skills in my next meetings and of course always be on the time. I had really challenges in this semester and the most challenge thing was doing first meeting. It was so hard for me, because it was first time to discus something in public.

In conclusion, it’s my pleasure to work with a great man and I will work by his notes. I also will try to improve my English in the future and always learn from the mistakes. LSEC N101 subject teach me a lot and I get better day after day. For sure I will use it in the future in my career.

Final presentation (Artic Melting):

Hamdan : Final presentation..

Our group consisted of myself, Khalid Hassan, Mohammed Humid and Fahad. We gave a presentation about Arctic Melting in class T005 at 3:10 pm. Khalid started the presentation by introducing us and describing the problem generally as an introduction. After him was my turn, then Fahad and at the end, Mohammed.

Mohammed’s part was the conclusion. He was supposed to repeat the main points and gave solutions to each problem. Also he had to answer questions. Mohammed showed that he had improved from the last presentation and he corrected some of his mistakes. From the beginning, he was confidant and used your hands very well. Mohammed’s problem was that he didn’t have enough information, for that he end the conclusion with too much ammmmm’s and aaaaaaah’s.!!! The good point was that Mohammed knew about that and he was unhappy for that, but wished to improve.

In conclusion, the important things that we improved from last time by correct our mistakes. In my opinion, Mohammed should practice more and more to fix his mistakes and to become as excellent presenter in future.